

Name Meaning
The God
Free of Douts

Who repeats this name at least 1000 times his heart will be free from doubts and suspicions.

Recover from Incurable Disease

If anybody suffering from some incurable disease repeats this Name many times, then prays to Allah for recovery. Insha Allah, he will recover from the disease by the Grace of Allah.


26 Jul 2024 - Friday

Prayer Name Start Time
Fajr 02:43 AM
Sunrise 05:16 AM
Dhuhr 01:08 PM
Asr 05:20 PM
Maghrib 08:58 PM
Isha 11:17 PM

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Important Islamic Days
2020 (1441 - 1442 A.H)

Muḥarram 28 Aug
Milad un Nabi 01 Jan
Milad un Nabi 28 Oct
Milad un Nabi 28 Oct
qilfoukh 01 Jan